When considering classic muscle training, you train to improve strength. Strength therapy helps you strengthen your muscles, making them bigger and defining them to increase their strength. Specific muscles or certain muscle groups are the main ingredients of the recipe for strength training. Strength training focuses on contracting the muscles instead of stretching them. The result is that driven by weight; the muscles become bigger and shorter. The main goal of strength training is muscularity and strength.
Functional training is a type of strength training with the goal of comprehensive development of the whole body. It improves physiological parameters such as strength, endurance, speed, coordination, and flexibility. This training focuses on the collective work of all groups of muscles and their harmonious development. As many muscle groups as possible are strained during training. As the name suggests, this training involves improving your body‘s ability to function so that you can perform everyday activities with ease and comfort. The main aim of functional training is to enhance stability and balance, make you stronger, and increase your endurance and power.
Therefore, the goals of strength and functional training are different, and the tools used to achieve these goals are also different.
What is the Difference Between Classic and Functional EMS Training?
Specific muscle groups or some muscles are trained in isolation during strength training. Short sets of targeted and steady movements are often used in traditional strength training. The exercises usually comprise simple movements performed with the help of external weights such as kettlebells and dumbbells. Functional fitness is a combination of strength training and endurance training. All the muscles are involved in the training, even the hard-to-reach ones.
More dynamic exercises are used to practice the movements performed in daily life. These are multi-joint exercises in which typical human movements are repeated. Tilting, squats, bench presses and deadlifts, rotating the upper body, and movement in space are some of the exercises used. Functional training usually comprises several different types of exercises that can be combined into one powerful exercise and can be performed as high-intensity interval training, circuit training, Tabata or a combination of these.
The same principles apply to EMS training performed in an electrostimulation gym. In EMS strength training, pulse acts as the weight instead of barbells and dumbbells. The impulse is the heavyweight imposed on your muscles to change them. This way, muscle strength is gained much faster and more effectively. Functional EMS training greatly enhances the strength of muscles to perform different functions.
EMS imposes an additional positive effect on both forms of training as it strengthens the core muscles. The innermost muscle layer is strengthened, and the muscles lying deep into the body (the stabilisers) are developed to a greater extent. The positive point about EMS fitness is that it can also be practised by people who cannot train in a gym due to musculoskeletal defects. EMS training studio opens up a diverse range of possibilities for such people and allows you to perform simple and effective exercises.