All You Need To Know About Broad Far: A Good Heated Tobacco Supplier

Have you ever heard about Broad Far? From its history and development, you’ll find all the info you are curious about here.

What is Broad Far?

Broad Far is one of leading suppilers that developed heated tobacco brands. It is known for its high-quality products and commitment to providing smokers with an alternative to traditional cigarettes.

The History of Broad Far

Established in 2018, Broad Far is a subsidiary of a publicly traded Hong Kong-based corporation that offers heated tobacco products to the world’s tobacco markets. Broad Far changed over time from being an RTS supplier to a maker of heated tobacco.

2019 saw the introduction of Broad Far’s first heat stick production line in Cambodia, and since then, the company has grown its market share steadily and received attention on a global scale.

The Development of Broad Far

With years of tireless efforts in R&D, NUSO heated tobacco developed by Broad Far has become more and more well-liked in the tobacco markets over the years. In addition, Broad Far offers a variety of heated tobacco products, including Nuso heated tobacco blue, heated tobacco green, heated tobacco brown, heated tobacco purple, and heated tobacco yellow.

 The Nuso sticks from Broad Far are inserted into electronic devices that heat tobacco to release flavor and nicotine. This allows smokers to enjoy the taste of tobacco without less harmful effects than cigarette smoke has.

Broad Far will continue to provide better products and services to satisfy both the dominant trend in the tobacco industry and the varying interests and preferences of smokers.