The Connection Between Foot Corns and Poor Circulation

Foot Corns

Foot corn is a thickened outgrowth of skin caused by pressure or friction, which is more than an issue of cosmetic importance because it can really be sore and painful, especially for those with undertones such as poor circulation. Treating such a connection is, therefore, very important. 

If you are looking for one of the experienced foot corn treatment specialists, Smart Surgeons specializes in ensuring that your feet receive the best foot corn treatment. Rest assured that your feet are safe in the hands of Smart Surgeons.

What Are Foot Corns

Foot corns is the popular term for clavus, which are patches of thickened skin that develop to cover your foot in areas where there is constant rubbing or pressure. Foot corns can develop on the sides of toes or under the soles. While not only painful, they can be pretty uncomfortable. 

Remember that corns are not calluses. While both develop from increased pressure or friction on the skin, people are usually one of these – calluses tend to be larger, more diffuse, and less painful than corns.

Causes of Foot Corns

Overpressure or friction on particular parts of the foot is what leads to the formation of foot corns. These can be brought about by:

  • Ill-fitting Shoes: A shoe that is tight or rides on the skin provides an ideal condition for the development of the corn.
  • High-impact Activities: Activities that put extra stress on the feet, such as running or dancing, cause the formation of corns.
  • Bone Projections: Areas of the body where there is a shallow location of bones are more prone to developing a corn.

The Role of Bad Circulation

It is a major cause since when the flow of blood to the feet is bad, it can encourage the development and persistence of the foot corn. Here is how:

  • Delayed Healing: This means that the skin will take longer to heal and, therefore is a higher risk of damage and thus development of corns.
  • Increased Dryness: Commonly, reduced blood flow causes dryness and cracked skin areas which in turn lead to the formation of corns.
  • Heightened Sensitivity: Circulatory disorders make the skin more sensitive to pressure and friction and thus putting it at an increased risk to the development of corns.

Symptoms of Foot Corn

Symptoms of foot corns include the following:

  • Pain: Corns can be extremely painful, particularly when you apply pressure.
  • Redness and inflammation: The infected area will turn red and inflamed.
  • Hardened Skin: Over the corn, the skin becomes thick and hard.
  • Sensitivity: The region of the corn may become sensitive to the touch.

Effect of Poor Circulation on Foot Health

Poor circulation could affect the general health of the foot in diverse ways. Low blood circulation will deprive the feet of an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients that boost skin and tissues. This nutrient deficiency makes the skin weak and susceptible to harm. Individuals suffering from low blood circulation heal faster from injuries of small magnitude because they can trigger significant complications such as infections and the formation of corn in the feet.

Prevention of Foot Corn

Prevention is better than cure, and of course, there are numerous precautionary steps you can take to avoid getting foot corns, especially for people suffering from poor circulation:

  • Wear Properly Fitted Shoes: Make sure that your shoes fit well and provide proper support. Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or which have high heels, because they can cause undue pressure in areas of your feet.
  • Use Protective Pads: Cushions or pads can be applied to minimize pressure and friction effects on the most vulnerable parts of your feet.
  • Moisturize Often: The skin of your feet should always be moist and not dry so that there would be no crack development. Use good foot cream, and never forget those areas that you are prone to develop corns.
  • Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry: Wash your feet on a daily basis and make sure they stay dry to prevent fungal infections and other diseases that may bring about infection into the skin.
  • Regular Follow-up: If you have a disease affecting your circulation system, like diabetes, get regular check-ups done by a healthcare professional.

The Role of Professional Care

Although some home remedies or even over-the-counter treatments can provide short-term relief, medical attention is usually required for the long-term treatment of foot corn. Smart Surgeons possess dedicated and highly qualified podiatrists who may specialize in the treatment of various foot conditions, including foot corns. They understand that the needs of the individual are paramount; hence, their treatment plan is always tailored to the exact needs of each patient to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Treatment Options

One should treat both the corn and the causes, for example, poor blood circulation. Some of the treatment options include:

  • Moisturizing: The skin should be kept moist to avoid dryness and cracking.
  • Padding: Pads or cushions can be used to reduce pressure on corn.
  • Medicated Patches: Prescription patches containing salicylic acid can soften the thickened skin but should be used under medical guidance.
  • Orthotics: Taped-in or custom-made shoe inserts can be used to redistribute pressure across the toes, thus preventing corn formation.
  • Surgery: Very severe cases require a part or the whole of the corn to be removed in surgery.

The Bottom Line

Foot corns and circulation go hand in hand with each other, and to treat this, attention to both aspects is needed. Specializing in the best type of foot corn treatment is accomplished at Smart Surgeons, as your feet deserve nothing less. Experience the best treatment and highest quality from the experts at Smart Surgeons and put an end to your long-standing struggles with foot corns. 

Smart Surgeons’ skilled surgeons and foot corn care specialists provide the best foot treatment, especially in treating corns and improving blood circulation in the patient, ensuring the utmost comfort and satisfaction. So, don’t let painful feet hinder your routine activities; simply reach out to Smart Surgeons today and take the first step towards healthy and pain-free feet.


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