Interior designer work

Interior designer work

The job of an interior designer is the challenge of offering patterns that are worth following and creating spaces filled with form, shape, light and color. An interior designer is a person who is responsible for the development and preparation of concepts and designs of commercial spaces in accordance with their function and purpose. The effects of their work can be admired every day in hotels, cinemas, banks, restaurants and private properties. Interior architects, however, more and more often expand the scope of their professional interests and also design forms of the so-called small architecture (e.g. playgrounds for children or public utility places) as well as exhibition and fair spaces.
Tasks and work activities
Basic duties as an interior designer: development and preparation of building concepts and designs in accordance with their function and purpose; arranging and decorating the interior, including setting the color scheme, lighting, texture, design of the materials used and interior decoration (furniture, decorations); acquiring industry subcontractors and suppliers of the necessary materials and building cooperation with them (also in the formal scope); supervision and coordination of work related to the implementation of the project; ongoing reporting of the effects of work in progress.
Due to the variety of tasks performed, interior architects can work in different places. Their main place of work is the studio. Due to the fact that they choose the necessary utensils, art materials, various templates and samples themselves, they have to personally visit wholesalers, shops, etc. They also participate in organizing exhibitions, trade and promotional events. Social work environment The work of an architect is independent and individual. However, due to the tasks performed, contact with people is inevitable. Depending on the type of the order, the architect deals with detailed arrangements with the client, meets the client on a daily basis, shows and describes his project, and in the event of any comments – makes corrections. The work of an architect also consists in implementing the project – he supervises the work of contractors so that it is performed in accordance with the approved project. On a daily basis, the architect cooperates with a team of surveyors, town planners and engineers.
Of course, you have to remember that the work of an architect involves frequent trips to the field. Interior architects most often find employment in architectural companies with various specializations (ranging from designing offices and private apartments, and ending at fair stands) and in development offices. The most experienced, however, work on their own.
Considering that architects are needed in virtually every construction site, it could be concluded that there are plenty of job offers for them. You can check current job offers for interior architects on the website